Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Volcanic Eruption in Iceland

Wow we have some amazing writers in Room 8!!!!!!!!!!!
Today in writing we read about the eruption and used a "Thinkers Key " to help us stretch our thinking processes.
We used the Personal Key today. After we heard about the eruption we had to write explaining:
  • How we feel about the eruption.
  • What is our real own opinion about what happened.
  • What would we do if we were in this situation.
  • How would it affect our life.
Here is Dryden Thomson's story.

OH, NO! Do you know what happened on the other side of the world? There has been a volcano that has erupted in Iceland. That was horrible. People were stranded at the airport. That would not be really good. All of the countries have heard it on the news.
They will not think it is good. I think this is horrible for the people that live in Iceland.
If I lived in Iceland when the volcano erupted I would feel terrible.
I do feel terrible about Iceland right now. I don't feel good. I feel sad. I think they will be worried about their country.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Awesome Trip to Australia

Awesome! I went to Australia. I went to Water World and Dream world. I went with my family. I went on the big drop. It felt really weird, because we were up 31 stores high .At Water World there was a green slide. It dropped, but it was not as big as the drop. My favourite ride was the red and orange one because you had air pumps that push you up. You are on a four people slide or a two people slide or, a one. 
by Deon Miller.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monarch Butterfies

What do we know already about monarch butterflies?
They eat swan plant leaves. They turn into a chrysalis. They turn into a butterfly.
They are an insect. They can fly. They are sticky.
They sit on plants. They do poos. They will die if you pick them up.
They have wings to fly. When they hatch the chrysalis is black. They come out on sunny days. When they first hatch they can't fly. They are shy. They don't like noise. They are beautiful.
They can come and sit on you. They don't like wind.
They don't like hail. They don't like snow. They are orange.
Renee Tomkinson

Butterfly News

In Room 8 we have got a caterpillar  called Molly. She was so little when we got her, but now she is BIG. She is a special caterpillar to me because she is one of my own 12 caterpillars and all of my others have got eaten by scary birds. We had 3 other caterpillars on our swan plant, but they turned into a butterfly.  Abbey and Mariah took some photos of the first butterfly that we had.
Mariah has a lot of caterpillars at her house. Some are nearly butterflies. She told me She has got about 20 caterpillars at home. My caterpillars are getting bigger all the time. But they have not eaten that much. I think they are super caterpillars. They are like 9 centimetres long. One day they will grow up like their mum butterfly. I always look every day to see how BIG  she has grown. 
By Brittney McDowell

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Power of One

Today Bluestone School went to the hall to watch a bullying show. It was very interesting. I learnt to tell a teacher if someone is bullying you. I would not feel good If I was bullying someone or watching someone fighting. I would be embarrassed because a teacher might see. Then we would get in the Black Book. It would not be funny I have never been in the Black Book before.
Renee Tomkinson.

Dog on the Bay

Dogs are allowed on the bay if they are trained. I have a dog too. We take it for walks on the Bay. You have to have a mum with you and you have to pick up the poo. I even pick up the poo too.
By Lilly Jolly

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Our Writing

In writing this week we looked at the issue on the front page of the Timaru Herald dogs being allowed on the Bay. Some children wrote to express their opinion. We also worked hard on our "Comic Life" title pages for our celebration journals.

This coming week we will continue our measurement topic looking at mass and length.

Our afternoons will be very busy as we begin our swimming instruction.

On Tuesday we will see a show called the Power Of One which focuses on bullying and strategies to deal with bullies.

Dogs on the Bay

I love dogs walking on the beach because they can run around and have a swim. I don't like dogs on the beach because the owners don't pick up the poo. I think you can help by picking up the poo. It is good for dogs to have a run. I think you can let the dog and the owners go on the weekends so the people on the beach can not get bitten but if they are real trained they can go any day.
by Jack MacPherson

Dogs on the Bay

I don't think dogs are allowed down on the Bay because they do droppings everywhere. The good point is they get a good daily walk.
By Leroy Dunn

No Dogs Or Some Dogs?

I think dogs should be allowed on the beach mostly every day except Fridays because little kids might be scared of dogs. Even teenagers might be scared. If anybody goes down the beach with their dog make sure they have a lead on their dog so the the dogs don't pounce on anybody.
By Jessica Townshend

Dogs on the Bay

Dogs on the Bay
Hi, my name is Brittney. I'm going to tell you about dogs on the Bay.I think dogs might have to have leashes on them because they might bite. They should not be allowed to take them on Mondays. You can go to the beach on Mondays if you are scared of dogs. Dogs can only go on the beach for six days because we don't want kids to be bitten.
By Brittney McDowell

Monach Butterflies

We have enjoyed the emerging of two beautiful butterflies this week. We set them free outside. We now have a baby caterpillar busily eating the swan plant.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Last week Mrs Richards became a nana. She is very excited. So is Mr Richards. This is little Maida their wee British grandaughter.
Week 6 already!! Thank you very much for the great work at Parent Interviews. 
Thank you too, to the Fathers and Grandfathers who came to our "breakfast." It was awesome getting to chat to you all.
 Thank you to all our helpers for our museum and library visit. It was great. Do come and look at the photos on the Team Explorer doors.
This week in reading our shared book will be James K Baxter's "The Ships" If you want to follow this up, look out for his children's poems and share them with your child. He was one of our most celebrated New Zealand poets.
This week in Maths we will continue to look at Mass and Weight.
 At home this week we want you to find objects that when combined have a mass of 100 grams. Put them in the ziplock bag and bring them to school to put in our 100 gram display.